Stay For Something
CMAT 23 hours ago
Eternal Flame
The Bangles 23 hours ago
Only You
The Platters 23 hours ago
Rosa Linn 23 hours ago
Tate McRae 23 hours ago
Where I'm Headed
Lene Marlin 23 hours ago
føler mig selv 100
Andreas Odbjerg 23 hours ago
Hard to Say I'm Sorry
Chicago 23 hours ago
Truly Madly Deeply
Savage Garden 23 hours ago
Lidt Mere Af Det Hele
Ingvordsen 23 hours agoRadio Freja direkte
Lyden af en go' dagFrekvenser Radio Freja
Næstved: Online
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23:00 - 00:00 | Test - Tester |
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23:00 - 00:00 | Test - Tester |
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23:00 - 00:00 | Test - Tester |
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Sidste 7 dage:
1. Ingvordsen - Lidt Mere Af Det Hele
2. Danser Med Drenge - Aldrig Undvære Dig
3. Britney Spears - Sometimes
4. Me, She & Her - I Count the Minutes
5. Camilla Moberg - Let's Dance All Night
6. Diverse Kunstnere - De Største Er de Små
7. Julie - Every Little Part of Me
8. Sort Sol - Let Your Fingers Do the Walking
9. Saybia - The Day After Tomorrow
10. Sheena Easton - Morning Train (Nine to Five)
Sidste 30 dage:
1. Ingvordsen - Lidt Mere Af Det Hele
2. Britney Spears - Sometimes
3. Ray Dee Ohh - Efterår
4. Nickless - Don't Stop The Car
5. Texas - Say What You Want
6. Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind, Pt. 2
7. Berlin - Take My Breath Away
8. Craig David - Walking Away
9. Mumle - Det Modsatte
10. Malte August - Endnu En Sang Om Kærlighed
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